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Purpose Statement of Women of the Evangelical Church in America (WELCA):

 As a community of women, created by God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, promote healing and wholeness in the Church, the society and the world.


Mission Statement of Women of the Evangelical Church in America (WELCA): 

To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.


Zoar WELCA Officers for 2024-2025

Sue Klien 

Collene Schmoker 

Church services are split up between five churches at this time. So please take note of the locations and times. 

First Lutheran- 506 5th street Litchville ND. 

Marion Lutheran-99 Main Avenue, Marion ND. 

Trinity Lutheran - Co-RD 60 Litcvhille, ND 

St. Ansgar Lutheran - 10294 78th St. SE LaMoure, ND

Zoar Lutheran- 3rd ST. LaMoure, ND 

The schedule is posted as Saturday's & Sunday's. 

August 2024 

Saturday Services

3RD- St. Ansgar 5:00 PM 

10TH- St. Ansgar 5:00 PM

17TH- Zoar 5:00 PM

24TH- Zoar 5:00 PM 

31ST- NO Saturday Services -

Sunday Services

4TH- First Lutheran 9:00 AM 

11TH- Marion Lutheran 9:00 AM

18TH- Trinity Lutheran 9:00 AM

25TH- First Lutheran HOSTS 10:30 AM CRE in the Litchville Park